Thursday 14 April 2022

how to execute Oracle merge statement in ADF v copy data ?

Copy data activity expects a mapping between source and sink to insert record from source to target.
In real time, especially for scd type 1 data load, you may require insert, update and delete statement execution.
Adf doesn't support scd type 1 for Oracle db source.
Oracle supports the above through merge statement.
For implementing above in copy data, I have done the trailing:
1. The select SQL statement used in merge clause be used as source SQL. In filter ad 1=2
2. The update sink connection with target table in merge clause
3. In sink section, execute merge clause statement in pre-copy script section
4. Debug for insert , update and delete use cases.
Let me know if you face any challenges.
P.S: we don't need to call procedures to achieve the above

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